Tuesday, November 01, 2005

SimWalk v1.2.7.68

SimWalk models every pedestrian as a single agent

Modern airports, shopping centers, bridges and train stations are complex buildings with a high frequency of pedestrians. People must be able to move inside these buildings without disturbances and with comfort, and it is crucial that in emergency cases people can be evacuated safely and in time. Pedestrian jams caused by unknown bottlenecks are disastrous if seconds decide over life and death.

SimWalk - discover bottlenecks in buildings

To evaluate a problem-free walkability and a secure emergency evacuation in complex buildings, SimWalk offers a wide range of simulation capabilities. The agent based pedestrian simulation allows the flexible modeling of pedestrian behaviour based on the architectural topology of the building or environment in question.

The main application areas of SimWalk are:

design, safety and egress audit of public spaces and buildings (train stations, airports, hospitals, public places etc.)
control and improvement of pedestrian flows in urban planning and architecture
walkability studies
implementation of human movement in traffic scenarios
marketing research tool
With SimWalk every pedestrian is simulated as an autonomous agent who follows a certain direction according to his goal - e.g. a emergency exit - and constrained by other agents or the architecture of the building.

The pedestrian simulation not only allows evaluation of fire and emergency scenarios but also the improvement of normal pedestrian movements in plants, shopping centers, stadiums or train stations.


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